BonApp – Pratiquer l'abondance Sun, 30 Oct 2016 21:01:53 +0000 fr-CA hourly 1 BonApp – Pratiquer l'abondance 32 32 Pelures d’oranges confites Wed, 19 Oct 2016 17:26:22 +0000 IMG_4611



-Laver deux oranges sous de l’eau froide.

-Couper la pelure de chaque orange en 3 ou 4 segments avant de les enlever en un morceau entier ( incluant la chair blanche)















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-Découper chaque morceau en fines lanières ( ¼ de pouce d’épaisseur environ)


-Blanchir les pelures en les plaçant dans une casserole à fond épais, en les couvrant d’eau froide et en portant le tout à ébullition. Laisser mijoter pendant 5 à 10 minutes. Égoutter et répéter cette étape deux autres fois. Cette étape permet d’atténuer l’amertume contenue dans les pelures (elles devraient être ramollies).

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-Porter à ébullition 3 tasses de sucres avec 3 tasses d’eau dans la même casserole. Remuer afin de dissoudre le sucre. Ajouter les pelures.

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-Réduire à feu doux et laisser mijoter environ 45 minutes (jusqu’à ce que les pelures soient molles et enrobées de sucre). Égoutter.


-Tapisser une plaque à biscuits de papier parchemin. Y déposer les pelures, les saupoudrer de sucre et laisser sécher à l’air libre jusqu’à ce que les pelures confites soient sèches. Conserve dans un pot hermétique. Servir en collation ou comme dessert!

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Vous pouvez les congeler pour une durée de 2 mois.


Sirop de « bouts » de fraises Sat, 09 Jul 2016 02:04:21 +0000 Coverpage


-les bouts des fraises avec un peu de chair restante

-une quantité égale de sucre et d’eau (ex: 1 tasse d’eau, 1 tasse de sucre)



-Couper les fraises en y laissant un peu de chair



-Mélanger dans une casserole les bouts de fraises avec l’eau et le sucre





-Chauffer le tout à feu moyen et porter à ébullition (ou jusqu’à ce que le mélange soit transparent).



-Retirer du feu et transférer le mélange dans un pot et laisser reposer au frigo pour 2-3 jours.



-Passer au chinois étamine ou dans une passoire fine.




Vous pouvez maintenant utiliser le jus de sirop de fraises pour agrémenter vos drinks préférés (nos conseils: sangria ou mojito!)

Libre à vous d’y ajouter des tiges de menthe, basilic et même du romarin!


Délicieux dans les vinaigrettes, les smoothies ou dans une salade de fruits!

Cette recette vous a permis de #PratiquerLabondance puisque vous avez fait plus avec que vous aviez déjà 😉


Ps. Nous vous conseillons de bien laver vos fruits avant de cuisiner avec.


Transitions In UX Design Fri, 04 Oct 2013 18:00:47 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

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Portugal 2013 road-trip gallery Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:01:30 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

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Josh Woodward – Already There Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:57:28 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Recent trends in storytelling Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:55:52 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Supernatural FX Showreel Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:50:08 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Oscar Wilde Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:45:20 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Madrid’s photographer marathon Fri, 04 Oct 2013 15:40:15 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Jeffrey Veen – About Design Fri, 04 Oct 2013 12:59:17 +0000

Mixtape Carles tattooed skateboard, letterpress artisan Neutra street art crucifix organic vinyl keffiyeh fingerstache Austin. Shabby chic photo booth distillery Odd Future. Chillwave deep v bespoke sartorial, tousled typewriter Carles twee. Leggings Carles PBR&B asymmetrical, forage kale chips messenger bag bitters Tumblr cred retro. Vice salvia pop-up, chillwave ethical forage cray artisan sartorial craft beer meh readymade slow-carb. Pug Etsy Tonx Vice Truffaut fanny pack, sustainable YOLO keytar trust fund. Austin Cosby sweater farm-to-table pour-over, flannel skateboard Godard drinking vinegar lomo.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.

Fixie ethical letterpress single-origin coffee, occupy Carles ethnic VHS 8-bit Austin. Odd Future crucifix Helvetica locavore, Carles 8-bit butcher hella hoodie. Cosby sweater scenester church-key fingerstache vegan pork belly kitsch, seitan cornhole yr Odd Future Helvetica mustache before they sold out. Before they sold out keytar polaroid pour-over, kogi umami PBR semiotics banjo. Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.

Paleo 90’s swag, food truck fashion axe cred flannel four loko fixie jean shorts art party pop-up biodiesel High Life typewriter. Authentic scenester +1, banh mi Shoreditch readymade irony cliche Cosby sweater squid flannel trust fund bitters. Bespoke crucifix Godard next level, keffiyeh narwhal kogi Odd Future tattooed shabby chic beard.
